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We Are
Cradling New Life!

We help families who have infants in Iowa hospitals’ Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs)

and those addressing antepartum issues. 

Providing Assistance

Assistance is provided financially and by raising awareness.  Babies are admitted to NICUs due to premature birth, complications arising during delivery, or signs of ill health that occur within the first few days of life.  One of every nine expectant mothers do not carry their babies to full term.  Nearly 450,000 infants in the United States are admitted to a NICU annually.  In Iowa, approximately 11.3% of babies born are premature.

Infant stays in the NICU are vital to survival.  Emotional and economic distress are often compounded as these tiny miracles encounter the ups and downs of progress.  Alleviating just a small part of a family’s concerns can truly make a difference.  Cradling New Life is not an income-based charity.  Its purpose is to provide assistance in the most fulfilling situations.  The charity gives such items as gas cards, grocery gift certificates, rent/mortgage assistance, lodging funds, and child care money.  It donates KindleFires, books, games, crafts, and computers to hospital NICUs for family usage.  Something as simple as a restaurant gift card so parents can just take a little time for themselves can be extremely meaningful.

All circumstances differ as do the emotions endured.   Many go home while their baby remains hospitalized for days, weeks, and even months.  The Cradling New Life goal is to show an expression of concern which in turn makes the parents’ experiences a little better until their little ones are able to go home. 

“Most of the time, a baby’s NICU admission is totally unexpected by their family. Emergency needs arise for food, personal care items, short term housing, gas money, baby items (diapers, preemie clothing, special equipment), and cost of daycare for other siblings while parents are in the NICU. Most of our families are without immediate resources to help them respond to these burdens while trying to manage the frightening NICU world. The relief your organization has brought to these families is unimaginable and so deeply appreciated. Thank you for helping them when they have no where else to turn and may, themselves, have little left to cope for these very pressing needs.”

– Terri Simms, LISW

Download our brochure for donations and sponsorships below

Nonprofit Organization, 501(c) (3)

Our Board of Directors

Mindy Nelson


Open Position

Vice President & Financial Secretary

Kate Logston

Area Director

Erin Miller

Outreach Coordinator

Laura Murphy

Recording Secretary

Lacey Howard

Marketing Director

Julia Day.jpg
Julia Day

Events Coordinator

Shane Nelson

Honorary Member

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