September is NICU awareness month and a NICU stay affects so many families. Do you know and love someone who’s life started in the NICU?
Shared from Neonatal Intensive Care Awareness Month: Every day, NICU parents show incredible strength in facing the challenges of having a newborn in intensive care. However, it's crucial to acknowledge that roughly 40-50% of NICU parents experience clinically significant levels of depression, anxiety, and trauma.
You are not alone in this journey, and support is available. Remember that reaching out for help is a sign of strength, and there are resources and communities ready to support you.
For valuable resources and assistance, please visit: National Perinatal Association - Mental Health Support.
Source: Grunberg et al. (2022)
Today and every day we are deeply moved by the strength of NICU babies and the resilience of their families.
Visit ProjectSweetPeas and follow on Facebook and on Instagram @nicuawareness.